Monday, December 11, 2006


I think morning, after getting through the waking up business, is really one of my favorite times of the day. When all the hectic stuff is done and it's just me, the house, the computer and my cup of coffee, I really do enjoy morning. It's the first opening of the eyes that just really bugs me! But once I am seated here at the computer and my world opens up 'to infinity and beyond' I feel pretty good. I am sure the coffee helps quite a bit!
I enjoy reading the news online. I enjoy checking my emails and seeing what's new. I like going to my message boards and catching up there, too. I like the light coming in my windows into the family room, the sounds of the aquarium bubbling softly, the cat rubbing against my foot, the feel of the keyboard under my fingertips. I always say that morning is my least favorite time of the day and that I am a night person. But that just isn't true. I enjoy every part of my day and appreciate each day for the gift it is. I just have a hard time dealing with those first few seconds!


Nan said...

I thought of you this morning as I read in my current book, One Fine Day by Mollie Panter-Downes, "Ah, how good! Now, said the house to Laura, we are alone together again. Now I am yours again".

brenda said...

Aha! So I am not alone with this feeling. I wonder what my house would say to me at other times of the day?