Friday, January 18, 2008

Shaking Off the Blues & Ready for the Weekend

So I played a little online and decided it was time to shake my blues away. I started making a list of things I want to get for my house. A berry wreath would look nice on the wall behind the front door. I would like a key holder for next to the front door so I can stop wasting time searching for my keyring! Gooseberry Patch has some braided trivets that would look really cute in our lodge themed family room. I also want to get a basket for holding rolls or bread at dinner. A set of new placemats would be nice for the table, too. I must admit that made me feel better! That and the grilled turkey, bacon and provolone sandwich I made for lunch! Yum! I love comfort food!
Today is Friday and we call Friday night 'Pizza Night' at our house. Every Friday we have pizza and watch the travel channel. We've been doing it for ages and we love it. In our jammies early, each one of us brings our blanket out to the living room and we set up camp. Usually we have chips & dip later on (Tostitos and cheese & salsa dip) and most of us end up falling asleep with the tv on. It is a great way to start the weekend! This weekend we don't really have any plans. It is supposed to be wicked cold (using my best Boston accent) so I am thinking about making a crock pot full of chili on Sunday. I have been promising Bethany I would play Life with her and since I am feeling better I guess I had better honor that promise. She got it for Christmas so has been pretty patient!
I hope everyone stays warm and cozy and has a wonderful weekend!

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