Monday, January 14, 2008

A New Year

A new year is upon us and here I am, still a slacker in the blogging world! I keep promising I will do better but for some reason I just can't get in the habit! I journal in my own private journal very often and post on message boards but am such a slacker here! Well, I will try to do better, promising myself I will post at least once a month. It's not like there is nothing to blog about. There is always plenty going on. This month the most significant thing happening in our house is sickness. I have had a sinus/headcold thing going on since New Year's Eve. Yuk. I didn't even make a proper New Year's dinner of pork and sauerkraut, I was just too sick. And here it is the 14th and I am still getting over it, but am much better than I was. Now Jeff is sick with the flu. He is achy and coughing and off of work. Next week he'll probably have the sinus thing and I'll have th flu! I'll tell you how bad I have been feeling - our Christmas tree is still up. And I don't even care.
I am still doing EMS but mostly driving the medic unit which I prefer. Life at a firehouse is a like a soap opera and I have a hard time stomaching it. But I do love EMS so the medic unit is the place for me right now.
I am still teaching ccd and helping with Girl Scouts from time to time but the plan now is to run a junior/cadet troop next year since I will have 3 girls in those levels and they are not happy with the troops they are in. It won't be bad, it will only be 2 meetings a month and I will be leading with friends. I enjoy volunteering and have over 1800 lifetime hours. I have earned the bronze, silver and gold Presidential Service Award pins for volunteering and have my girls logging their volunteer hours now, too. is the address if you are interested.
Since my last post we have added a new member to our family. Little Gus, a Yorkie, joined us on November 17th. He was my early Christmas gift and we all just adore him! He is such a baby and spoiled beyond words!
The coming months have many exciting things happening for our family. Mariah will be baptized on Easter Sunday. Abigail will be confirmed in April. Mariah receives her First Communion in May, James gets his master's degree in May and Joe graduates from high school in June. I have many things to plan for but they are all happy things!

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