Tuesday, January 15, 2008

A New Day

Jeff is still home sick but feeling a bit better than he was yesterday so we decided to take the Christmas tree down. First we needed a couple of boxes that we had shoved in a future bathroom downstairs that now currently just pretty much collects junk. We ended up cleaning the entire room and then moved on to the storage area under the stairs so we could put the junk we took out of the bathroom in there! Finally, after sorting, tossing and cleaning we got to the Christmas stuff. Only by this time it was just me working on it. Jeff was distracted by his xbox 360. No fun for me who was anxious to get it done! Abigail and Mariah came home from school and they helped me get started and actually finished up the tree when I had to go pick Bethany up from Girl Scouts. When I got home we finally got the boxes up to the attic. Jeff decided a couple of boxes up there that belong to the older boys could come down and be taken home by their owners. So I still have boxes around! But at least they will be leaving here and I won't have to deal with them anymore! I still have things out on the buffet that need to be put away and the boxes in the corner of the kitchen as well as several boxes I need to sort from the bathroom & storage area! Like I didn't have enough to do already! Well, at least the tree is down and maybe this will be the year I actually sort those boxes of stuff. I have been putting it off for years. If there is one thing I have learned it is to tackle the chores you dread the most first and just get it over with. Unfortunately these are not easy boxes to sort. They are baby clothes and cards and letters that are twenty plus years old and just glancing over them makes me want to look and read and naturally get distracted. So each day for the next week I will try my best to start just one box and go through it as efficiently and quickly as possible. Hopefully I can get these six or so boxes down to two or three and reclaim my house! I do hate the way 'stuff' takes over and can really control your life if you let it. So I guess I have one New Year's resolution - go through those boxes. I am a bit curious to see what treasures I will find.
I have learned one other thing - to think twice when I start decorating next year. Maybe I don't need to put out quite so many decorations!


Wolfe's den said...

OMG- all this time and I didn't even realize you had a blog!!!
Where have I been???
I love your blog!

Cottage said...

I know just what you mean about making your way through all the boxes of memories and stuff. It is time consuming and very different than de-cluttering.

As for those decoratings? I'm with you, less is definitely more!

I hope all of you are on the mend and back to normal soon.

Maryland is SO gorgeous!

God bless,

brenda said...

Jenn, I have been terrible at blogging but hope to post often this year. I have been looking at everyone's blogs and have been inspired!

brenda said...

Melissa,I still haven't tackled any boxes yet. That was my plan for yesterday but Jeff came home early due to the snow and for some reason I cannot sort through things when he is around! He kept saying 'good day for sorting'!
We are feeling much better, thanks!Thanks for the Maryland compliment! I like it here!